Golf / Dance / Sports

Who Can Benefit?


The way the Gyrotonic exercises help golfers is by teaching them to make their swing one continuous spiral from the bottom of the feet to the top of their heads. It helps them to move with fluidity, efficiency and completeness so that no part of their body is limiting their movement or interfering in their power.

A faulty golf swing is marked by breaks in the flow of movement from bottom to top. Gyrotonic exercises free up local blockages in movement and integrate the whole body into a continuous flow, allowing all the power to be focused on the club head.

The most important tool the golfer has is their body. Without full and free movement in all parts of the body, there will be limitations. Skills and concentration can only take you so far in developing an effective and pleasurable game.


Gyrotonic methodology provides all athletes (professional or weekend warrior) with a greater range of motion a higher level of coordination, strength and flexibility. Gyrotonic equipment simulates the critical movement skills in golf, tennis and baseball with variable, controlled resistance and without limiting speed.

Young athletic players benefit from Gyrotonic Exercises
Kids and Developing Teens

Kids benefit from Gyrotonic exercises during all stages of growth by increasing their coordination, confidence and body awareness in their movement and themselves.

DancersDancers benefit immensely. Gyrotonics developed by a professional dancer.

Whether ballet, modern, hip-hip, ballroom or any other style, the emphasis on moving from the center, with synchronization, flow, and balance, is perfect for dancers wishing to improve their strength and coordination and reduce the risk of injury by gradually increasing resistance and speed.

Keep moving freely at any age

Nobody likes the aches and pains that come with age. Maybe you’ve already experienced them or maybe you’re working hard to take care of your body so you don’t have to. Maybe you’d like to but don’t know how. Gyrotonic exercise provides one of the best ways to keep moving freely, vigorously and joyfully, no matter what your age.

General Public

Gyrotonic exercises work for anyone who wants to gain strength, flexibility and coordination. It is a general conditioning tool for people from of all walks of life and all ages. To improve what you have or recover what you’ve lost, this is a great way to reawaken your body’s potential.