How Do Gyrotonic Exercises Work?
Gyrotonic methodology utilizes a smooth, pulley cabled, variable weight resistance system which prevents jarring start and stop movements and creates a flowing rhythm as if you were supported in water. The 360 degree range of motion, in all dimensions, allows full articulation of stabilized joints and develops flexibility and strength. All major muscle groups are worked interdependently with the use of corresponding breathing patterns. This is a complete system of movement that originates from the spine and follows the natural energy lines in the body. To see photos and videos of the equipment in my studio, click on these links: Gyrotoner, Jumping Stretch Board, Leg Extension and Archway.
Why is Spiral Movement Important?
From our genes to the arrangement of our muscles, we are designed to take advantage of the spiral nature of our body. The exercises are performed in undulating, spiral and circular movements that help release stiffness and increase range of motion in the joints while building muscular, tendon and ligament connections. Gyrotonic movements foster natural body mechanics to awaken the entire nervous system, stimulate and massage internal organs and revitalize available energy.
How Does Gyrotonic Movement Help With Injury and Recovery After Surgery?
Gyrotonic exercises are used for rehabilitation, around the world, to help people with imbalances in the body or to heal injuries and regain health. In both injury and after surgery, the body uses muscular contraction and inflammation to protect the parts that are not fully functional. With its variable resistance, emphasis on natural flowing movement and ability to focus on specific joint articulations, it is one of the safest and most effective ways to reeducate the body to move as it did before.
How Do Gyrotonic Exercises Work With Disease and Chronic Pain?
Some diseases like fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis are more difficult to treat but many people credit Gyrotonic movement with helping to alleviate symptoms. These exercises, in rhythm with the breath, provide a gentle massage to connective tissues, organs and nerves and help restore the natural flow of cerebrospinal fluid. This flow strengthens the immune system by removing wastes and toxins and improves the health of the nervous system.